Butterflies turn to Popcorn
It has been an active week to say the least! Our little lady has been kicking up a storm. I first felt her a couple days before my 18 week appointment but now, she is dancing up a storm and not afraid to let momma know it! It used to feel like little butterfly kisses, just very soft movements. The best way I can describe it now is like popcorn popping! It tickles! I love feeling her kick and move about. I feel her every day. And guess who also felt her... =-) The other day I was sitting on my couch with my legs outstretched and she was kicking really hard against my pant line. It was like she was saying "Ugh, Mom! Your pants are too tight!" I just started laughing! (It is so weird not being able to control something that is happening to you.) Paedn was sitting next to me and I told him to give me his hand. He got really excited. We sat there for a few moments and all the sudden BAM, she kicked so hard! Paedn looked at me with the biggest grin on his face. He's like wait...I felt something under my index finger, was that her?! I started laughing and
Now that she is 19 weeks she is also able to hear outside voices. I was so excited when I read this in my research. (ha! you know me and my research! I research everything.) Because she can now hear, I have decided to read a book aloud. I have several on my list. I guess I am hoping to instill the love of reading as early as possible.
Lorelei \l(o)-re-lei\ as a girl's name is pronounced LOR-a-lye. It is of German origin. Place name: a rocky cliff on the Rhine river, dangerous to boat passage, has been poetically personified as the Lorelei, whose singing lures men to destruction. The name has an aura of risky allure.
Our little lady will be known as Lorelei Hancock. There are several reasons why we picked this name. First of all, it is just so elegant sounding. Second, I am a lover of unique and not as popular names. I am glad I married someone who is as well. I mean, he kind of has to be since his name is Paedn. That is pretty unique! One of the reasons why I married him. But there is some personal history behind the name Lorelei. I remember going on vacation during the summer and listening to some CD's. We listened to Beach Boys, Styx, and this story on cassette that was a kind of thriller/mystery. I remember hearing the name Lorelei from the Styx CD and was in love it from then on. I also love learning about Greek Mythology and one of the Sirens names was Lorelei (as you read from above.) Paedn also has a love of this name because of Styx. This is one of only two names that we both had on our lists as we became a couple.
She will also have no middle name. It is a tradition in my family, starting with my sister, for the girls not to have middle names. My mother did this so that way when the girls would get married they would put their maiden name for their middle name. I think it is pretty neat and helps with family history. My sister and my sister-in-law have kept up with this and I didn't want to break the cycle!
Baby Bump
Slowly, but surely, the bump is starting to grow! I really thought I would be a lot bigger by now. But, I am quite pleased with my progress and am looking slightly more pregnant! I finally look more than just as if I ate too many cookies. The bump is also starting to rise a bit higher and I believe that helps with the pregnant look. I am grateful to have a husband who thinks I am still beautiful even with this baby bump. At the beginning, I was having a very difficult time with the growing belly. All my life I have been a very skinny person and I didn't know how to feel good about myself. But, my husband is so patient and sweet to me. When I would cry and explain how self conscience I was he would call me beautiful. He would say, "Hilary, you are not getting fat, you.have.a.baby.growing.inside.of.you!" It made me feel so important and I knew he loved me and understood, as much as he could, about how I was feeling. So far, I think I have gained all of 5 or 6 pounds. But, in my research I read that I should be gaining about a pound a week until the end of my pregnancy because the baby grows a lot quicker now. Hopefully I can keep this positive attitude about myself and just love the way I look.
Other plans
We have our crib! Well, it's not actually in our possession yet. (Which is fine since we are moving in March.) But, we are actually using Paedn's old crib. It is getting a fresh paint job at the shop and is going to look brand new for our sweet girl. It is a white crib so we are looking for other white furniture to put in the nursery. Mainly a white dresser. (If you have any suggestions, let me know!) I also decided to hang my metal "Dance" sign in the nursery. It is perfect since it's already pink with the letters in white! I also have a set of ballet shoes to hang on the wall. I am trying to
(Left: The other day Paedn walked into the family room to me sorting through baby clothes my sister gave me. He started laughing and had to take a picture.)
You should never feel worried about your appearance! Being pregnant is the most wonderful thing we as women get to experience. As long as you eat properly you will never look fat! So excited that you are feeling sweet little lady moving so much. She shouldn't be any different than you were. I must make you trilevel brownies and see how she likes them! You would keep me up late with your dancing if I ate them at night! Love your blog! You have fun way of expressing yourself.
ReplyDeleteLookin' good Hilary! I did't have a middle name and some of my other girl cousins didn't either. It is just nice to have a name legacy, if you have a good maiden name that is! Be grateful that's you're skinny, it's a blessing, esp. with pregnancy! You look great! I'd give you all my girl clothes if I was done having kids like Emily! Fun times!