Tuesday, August 20, 2013

16 Months Update

Lorelei is going to be 16 months in two days!! Where have these months gone??

I wasn't able to get Lorelei in for her 15 month check up until two weeks ago. Our doctor was super busy with the back to school check ups. It's ok though, she is definitely worth the wait! Lorelei is still our petite, little girl. She is 31 inches long and weighs 21 lbs (both in the 50% percentile.) She may be small, but she is mighty!! (I think we all knew that from the very beginning.) I am in nursery at church and Lorelei gets to tag along even though she is not the official nursery age. She LOVES it. I hardly see her. She is always off playing with the other kids. One time I looked up and she was pulling a kid twice her age (and size) in a wagon. Totally made me laugh! That's my girl. She definitely keeps up with the older kids. If they try to bully her she is never easy to anger and is always willing to share her toys. Lorelei is always so kind and loving. One day, a girl was crying (constantly) so Lorelei went over to her and put her hand on her shoulder while tipping her head to the side with a concerned look on her face as if saying, "What's wrong? You don't need to cry." She makes me so proud. She is even doing better in church! We can actually stay in the chapel the full hour. Of course, we still don't hear anything that is being said, but Lorelei finally is calm enough to be in there. We have a church bag for her with things she only gets on Sundays- special books, coloring books, snacks, etc. It has really seemed to help. Plus, she always makes friends and plays peek-a-boo with people sitting behind us and always squeals when she sees her little friend. So, I guess she is still a little bit of a distraction! But, in the cutest way possible.
Lorelei loves learning new things. She is still so active and we love to find new ways to challenge her. I cannot wait for it to start cooling off outside. One, our apartment will finally be able to cool off (the whole apartment faces west and just bakes in the sun. In the afternoon and evenings it never gets below 84 degrees in our house, no matter how low our thermostat is cranked.) Two, we will finally be able to go and enjoy outside!! I cannot wait. Hopefully only two more months! As I was saying, Lorelei loves to be challenged. She has learned a lot already. She has about 10-15 words under her belt (which our doctor was quite impressed with). One of her new favorite things to do are somersaults! She does them all by herself so perfectly. Only a year and a half until I can put her in dance! She runs, climbs, gallops, high fives, kisses, hugs, dances, sings..you get the idea! Basically, she loves attention. She is always happy and giggling. We are blessed every day to have this little angel in our lives.

helping unload groceries!

I attempted braiding her hair for the first time. Not too bad!


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