Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hello, Third Trimester!!

28 WEEKS..or am I

Yesterday I had a doctor's appointment. Ha, in two weeks I gained FIVE pounds!! I thought this was crazy. I guess she really is growing! Our Lady's heart rate was 153 and my belly measured at 30. I was excited they told me what they measured and what the heart rate was because they usually don't! My doctor said that depending on Lady's growth spurt the next few weeks I may get another ultrasound to check and see how big she is. I was very excited about this because I have only had the two ultrasounds- one from the first appointment and the other from the anatomy one. But, it also worried me a little because I do not want a big baby. I have never even considered myself to have a big baby! Both Paedn and I were just over 7lbs when we were born, which I consider average, and we still are thin people! How could two small people produce a big baby? It doesn't make sense in my head. As I was talking with my mom, I remembered my very first appointment. It wasn't scheduled until a month after we found out I was pregnant. By then I did several due date calculations and came to the conclusion that I was about 12 weeks at my first appointment and my due date was April 28. Wrong! They measured me at 10 weeks and pushed my due date back to May 04. I thought that was odd because of how my body had been behaving and how you calculate the due date from home, things like that. But, I went with it. Doctor knows best, right? Well, I am now convinced that I was right from the very beginning. Which means I am in my 29th week but just a few days shy of 30. 
I do not want to go full term. Is that horrible to say? I actually do not think my body will. For my mom, it was normal to deliver around 38 weeks, so that is the guideline I have for myself. Following the doctor's due date, if I did deliver at 38 weeks that would put me at the 20th of April (because of that I have been telling myself that I want to deliver on the 24th because that is my Grandpa Toone's birthday!) BUT, If we follow my gut instinct that I am slightly further along right now and am close to 30 weeks, that means I would want to deliver April 14! (This would be when Paedn is in Disneyland!!!) For some reason, the middle of April seems to feel more right than the beginning of May. Then again, I also thought that our first baby will be a boy, so we can see how accurate my thoughts can be!
In the end, I know it really does not matter. My body will know when the right time is and will go into labor as it seems fit. It is just exciting to think that there is a possibility of Lorelei coming sooner.

Is it too soon to ask if anyone has any thoughts on when Lorelei's birth date will be??

Everything else is going great. Lorelei has been extremely active this past week. She is a tease though. Every time I would lift my shirt to see if I could see her move around, she would stop. Same thing when Paedn would put his hand on my tummy to feel her, she stopped moving. Then, after we gave up, she would get right back to rolling around and kicking. I have already notice a change though and know she will not be as active in the upcoming week. She is definitely getting bigger. Not only is my tummy growing, I feel more weighed down as well. Sleeping is becoming more difficult. I am always hot and uncomfortable. Several weeks ago, Paedn put a memory foam pad on top of our mattress and that has helped a bit. I sleep with four pillows and am trying to find ways to support my body for a more comfortable sleep. I have noticed that I like napping on the couch because of the back support and helps me not roll onto my back to sleep. I definitely can no longer sleep partly on my stomach like I was a few weeks ago, so I do not have to worry about that!
Oddly enough, sometimes I forget I am pregnant. I have jumped into bed and went to go lay on my stomach with my chin propped in my hands and quickly realized that is very uncomfortable. At volleyball, I went down to pick up a ball, without bending my knees, and almost toppled over because my belly hit my legs first! Last night, we went out to dinner and I tried to squeeze behind the table to sit down and hit my belly right on the corner of the table. That one hurt for a while! My skin is very sensitive, especially around my belly button. I have always had a shallow belly button and said it was a "half in-y half out-y" and this is still true. It is starting to poke out on just one side. It makes me laugh! On Sunday, I actually had to wear a band-aid over it to help hide it from poking through my dress.

The third trimester is definitely here. I am slowing down and do no have the energy I had just a few weeks ago. I am both very excited and nervous thinking about how soon our Lady will be here. There is so much to do and get still! It is exhausting just thinking about it. I watch my friends announce that their baby's have arrived and know that my time is soon approaching.


  1. I can totally picture you almost toppling over trying to pick up the ball!!! I think we should just plan on the 24th. Works perfectly for everyone! Love you!

  2. Loved reading all that! I remember doing the band-aid thing with Jada and then embraced it with the others. And I love all the calculating and recalculating the due date! And there is nothing wrong with wanting the baby to come early as long as she's healthy. I was induced @ 39 weeks with all 4 of my kids and it was AWESOME! But not everyone has the same story to tell:) Please let me know if I can paint your toe nails or anything :)

    Katie Seguritan
